Tenants after a dog friendly rental may face additional challenges when renting an apartment or a house.

24 November 2019

One of the primary challenges renters face is finding a dog friendly rental in a suitable living arrangement for their needs. This can be difficult as many rental properties do not allow pets at all. Those who do allow animals on the property may place certain restrictions on the size and breed of dog which may reside at the property.


The first step in renting with dogs is to find an acceptable living situation. For those who wish to rent with dogs, the first question to be asked should be whether or not dogs are allowed to live on the property. This is important because it can save the renter a great deal of time. The renter may otherwise invest precious time learning about the property and undergoing a credit check only to find out that pets aren’t permitted.

For some dog owners, finding a rental situation which allows dogs is not the end of the search. The renter should also confirm the type of dog they own will be allowed to live on the property. This may include both the size of the dog as well as the breed as some apartment complexes place limitations on the size of the dog and also prohibit certain breeds. Again, confirming these facts early in the search for an apartment can save time especially for those who own large or commonly banned breeds.

Renters should also consider the surrounding area when selecting a rental property. An ideal location would be one in which there is an adequate location to walk and exercise the dogs. Areas with large grassy areas may be ideal while areas which do not have space to walk a dog may be problematic.

Explore some of Vivid’s properties for rent.


Renters who have dogs should read their contract carefully before making a decision to rent a particular property. This is important because many landlords may impose restrictions on renters who own dogs. These restrictions may include, but are not limited to, requiring an additional security deposit for the renter (this is called a “Pet Bond”), requiring specific cleaning methods on the carpets after the renter vacates the apartment and holding the renter responsible if the dog engages in nuisance barking. Nuisance barking can be a problem in apartment situations where the apartments are located close together and even share a common wall. Renters should be aware that in some situations, nuisance barking can be a cause for eviction. For these reasons, renters who own dogs should take the time to familiarise themselves with the rental contract.


Finally, renters who have dogs may have to take additional efforts to maintain their apartment. This may include more diligent cleaning, especially of the carpets. Renters with dogs should respond quickly to accidents in the house to minimise the possibility of permanent staining and odors. Each accident should be addressed immediately and every effort should be made to clean the affected area completely.

Renters with dogs should also vacuum regularly especially if their dog is a heavy shedder. This will help to keep the living environment cleaner and will also minimize the amount of cleaning required when the renter vacates the property. Regularly vacuuming will prevent hair from being deeply embedded in the carpet.

vivid can help you find a dog friendly rental

Finding a dog friendly rental in Perth can be challenging. Explore our properties for lease or get in touch if you’re struggling to find a suitable rental for you and your furry friend.
